basic concept sketches

These two are the primary characters.

kingfisher above was me trying with a small head and larger body, but i think i prefer the big head which accentuates the loud mouth nature of the bird and makes it more cartoon like and cute.

A snippet of script


A soft white fills the screen


Clouds slowly form from the white void. The camera tumbles through white fluffy clouds, leisurely at first, then rushing down swooping and diving from side to side.

As the clouds thin a bright blue kingfisher flutters into view, above a sea of golden treetops. The camera follows the path of the kingfisher's flight over the canopy.

The kingfisher swoops down breaking through the leaves, diving and tumbling this way and that. He lands clumsily to the ground does a few forward tumbles, pauses for a second then gets to his feet. He hops about and ruffles his feathers untroubled by his mishap.

This is the beginning, it continues on but that is a idea of what I have so far 0 comments


I have been working on the basic script over the weekend, hopefully will be able to story board this week. 0 comments

Mini Ninjas

Another Inspiration



Viva pinata

I love the designs of the characters in the Viva Pinata games.

The animals are very stylized, obviously to look like party pinatas, but I also love they way they are animated in their introduction movies.



In the last few weeks I have been doing further research into different forms of anthropomorphism. I read through 3 years worth of Computer Graphics World Magazine. In it were many interesting articles which gave the views and issues that directors, designers and animators faced when it came to anthropomorphism.

One interesting article was walking on the subject of Happy Feet, the animation about dancing penguins. What was interesting about this particular article was that obviously the penguin anatomy was never built to allow penguins to dance, so to create a happy balance between 'penguin-ness' and the ability to dance, the designers reseached which penguins were most capable to dance and then modified the anatomy to include shoulders and more movement from their short squat legs.

What I learned from this is in order to stay true to the animal in which you are anthopomorphising, yet also be able to reach the goal of your animation, you have to stike a delicate balance between reality and make believe. In the case above, the designers went to find the most suitable penguin type out there, then made their adjustments, without completely changing the essence of the penguin. I beleieve this is important when it come with dealing with animals, and was refelcted throughout the articles I read.

The most important words I read were John Lasseter's 'truth to materials' mantra.